Here are some of Sean's milestones, as best as I can remember. I wish I had kept better records, but in another sense we've just been pebbles in a stream and not particularly mindful of where any of this golf was headed.
I think the progression mostly shows that he is a typical, middle of the pack junior golfer. Although he has tended to keep a step ahead of his peers at our golf club, but when out playing in the metro and regional contests, he's been more middle of the pack.
And of course the dream is to get to the front of the metro, regional and even national pack. Given Sean's record to date, I give him a lot of credit for having the guts to dream big like that.
Age 11: Broke 100 for the 1st time, and thereafter began to shoot in the 90's regularly.
Age 12: Broke 90 for the 1st time, and thereafter began to shoot in the 80's regularly
Age 13: Broke 80 for the 1st time, and began shooting his share of rounds in the 70's
Barely Age 14: Shortly after turning 14, Sean shot an even par (72) for the 1st time. What is most remarkable about this particular feat is that it came in the 2nd round of his Junior Club Championship. That was the only sub-80 round posted in the tournament, which Sean ended up winning by 5 strokes over the nearest competitor.
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