If one is the parent of a budding golf star, one needs to prepare for a roller coaster ride.
In the backdrop of going into the season in lackluster form, Sean just shot a 70, good for a T5 finish in a 76 player AJGA National Qualifier!
With it comes the all important AJGA tournament exemption, which he'll bank for next year, for after his current exempt status expires.
I'm learning that this is not like youth baseball. There, when Sean stepped on the field, he was always one of the stronger players. He'd have his good games and his bad games, but on the whole he enjoyed a lot of success playing ball.
This golf has been more of a struggle. It has been more a story of unmet expectations than of dramatic heroics or smart plays.
But he is figuring it out. I have to keep reminding myself that he is still young, and he has a long road to pave. What is more important now is that he creates a solid foundation.
Still, this fantastic tournament result serves as welcome affirmation for all his hard work. It doesn't exactly come out of the blue--it has been expected, after all.
So it is a pat on the back for him. It builds his confidence. My most prominent feeling is one of happiness for Sean. I'm glad for him that he pulled it off this time.
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