Friday, November 12, 2010

2010 Recap

Sean played his final tournament of the 2010 campaign last weekend, so now we summarize.

Here are the numbers: Twenty-eight completed rounds played in fifteen tournaments, with an overall scoring average of 79.4. His first round average of 81 was improved in the second rounds, where he has a scoring average of 77.2.

Something about a scoring avg of 79.4 seems disappointing and not really reflective of the progress Sean made compared to the 2009 season.

Probably the most impressive evidence of progress over last year is that he scored in the 70s in 14 rounds this season compared to only one round in the previous year, and that he had at least one round in the 70's in 10 of his 15 events. In 4 of these events he scored both rounds in the 70's.

His low rounds included a 71, 73(2) and a 74. His best two-round scores were 150 and 151 (twice), whereas in 2009 his best two-round score was 157.

After every round, Sean and I would climb in the car to head home or to the hotel and Sean would go over his round, recounting the great shots and the near misses. He'd never really focus on the negatives, and he'd never let a disappointing round get him down. He might have been embarrassed by some of his higher scores, but he never wallowed in self-pity after those rounds.

And so, I conclude this season by focusing on the positive, because that is what Sean would have done. He improved this season. It was, by a reasonable standard, a quantum leap and he narrowed the gap between him and the kids his age who are shooting the better scores.

Could it have been better? Of course. Could we have reasonably expected a better outcome? Who knows. It is what it is, which is mostly a sign that his hard work and dedication and simple enjoyment of the game is all paying off and he is moving in a good direction with it.

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